Saturday, October 5, 2013

Another Great Week of Reading!

Oldies but Goodies that I read since my last post:
Shakespeare's Secret -Elise Broach- Loved this book! I really liked all if the twists and turns as Hero tries to solve the mystery of the missing diamond. 

Loser by Jerry Spinelli
I really liked this book until the very end. The end was a bit lackluster for me. I can think of many other ways I would have liked this book to end instead of the way that it did end. 

Out of  my Mind by Sharon Draper
Loved this book so much that I read it in one day. I even brought it with me to Longhorn and read while I waited for my dinner to be served. It was fantastic! Opened my eyes to new possibilities that I didn't think of before! Awesome book! 

Waiting for the Magic by Patricia MacLachlan
Such a sweet book!  I loved the animals  in this book! I know this is going to be a hard book to keep on the shelf at my school. It is on the Bluestem list this year and it is a pretty quick read! 

What I'm reading now:
Words in the Dust by Trent Reedy 
I saw Trent Reedy speak at an Anderson's Breakfast a few years ago about this book. It didn't end up on my "must read" list until a student came into the library and book talked it to me. I'm about three chapters in and I'm enjoying it. This book is on the Caudull list, and I'm sure my 4th & 5th graders who want to participate in the Caudill program will want to read this one! 

What I'm reading to my son:
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
We have just gotten to the part where Umbridge has banned Harry from Quidditch FOREVER! Oh my!!!! I "almost" forgot how much I dislike that woman! 

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