Friday, February 20, 2015

Keeps Getting Better

As I reflect on my day, "Keeps Getting Better" by Christina Aguilera keeps playing in my head. Today was better. Was it perfect? Nope, but it was BETTER. 

Today we did "Take Two" of our Google OnAir Hangout Broadcast of our morning announcements. We gave the kiddos who were part of our first ever broadcast a chance to actually get OnAir for the entire announcements. They were excited to give it a second chance!

This time I was able to use the account that uploads to my existing YouTube Channel. Yay! I installed the "Keep Awake" Chrome extension so my ChromeBook did not fall asleep during our broadcast. Yay! Our secretary held up cue cards so the kiddos could look straight ahead instead of looking down at note cards. Yay! A majority of the staff still had problems with "safety mode" in YouTube causing their inability to see the OnAir Hangout. Boo! However, 3 staff members reported having no trouble turning off "safety mode"and being able to watch LIVE! Yay! The entire broadcast uploaded to YouTube and the rest of the staff was able to view it later. Yay!

Change is hard. If we all lived within the limits of our comfort zone, nothing great would happen. Awesome happens outside of our comfort zone! Was I worried about another failed outcome? Yup, but I was EXCITED to get back up and TRY AGAIN! Little by little, each time we do this we will continue to have more and more success! My goal is to have a staff training on OnAir Hangouts so we can troubleshoot  and practice together in a not-so-rushed environment. 

I'm excited about the success I had today, and will continue stray far from my comfort zone to make AWESOME things happen for my students and staff!

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