Today I was a guest reader via Google Hangout (GHO). I read to the Kindergarten classes at Wood View School in my school district. The teacher and I did a practice run with the help of our K-5 Technology Integration Specialists. I have done MANY Google Hangouts, but it was nice to practice before the kiddos were present. Also, I'm usually on the "teacher" side of the read aloud via GHO and I wanted to practice how to hold the book.
The book I picked to read was called "One Duck Stuck" by Phyllis Root. I was reading to all of the kindergarten classes at the school and I know it is hard to stay quiet for long with that may kiddos in the room. The book lends itself to lots of predicting, counting, and letting the kiddos help read parts because it is repetitive. The book is also from 2001, it is older and isn't read as much as some of the newer books at the library. It is still one of my favorites for my younger primary students.
I had a BLAST! The kids seemed enjoy the book, too. They really got into the parts that they helped read.
I love that my district is GAFE (Google Apps for Education)! Using tools like GHO can really break down the walls and connect classrooms not only around our district, but around the world. I believe that this experience might give the teachers in that room the confidence to try a GHO with another school outside of the district, maybe even in another country!
It was also a confidence booster for me as well because after the hangout I received emails from not only the teachers involved, but I also received them from the Principal and the Assistant Principal.
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